School trips from England September onwards – day only

You may not have seen or had time to have read this recent document about the full opening / return to England’s schools in September.  It specifically has a section on Educational Visits (about two thirds of the way through), and as it is designed to clarify ahead of next term how schools can operate in England, it is unlikely to change before schools return after the holidays.

Educational visits

“We continue to advise against domestic (UK) overnight and overseas educational visits at this stage see coronavirus: travel guidance for educational settings.

“In the autumn term, schools can resume non-overnight domestic educational visits. These trips should include any trips for pupils with SEND connected with their preparation for adulthood (for example, workplace visits, travel training etc.). This should be done in line with protective measures, such as keeping children within their consistent group, and the coronavirus (COVID-19) secure measures in place at the destination. Schools should also make use of outdoor spaces in the local area to support delivery of the curriculum. As normal, schools should undertake full and thorough risk assessments in relation to all educational visits to ensure they can be done safely. As part of this risk assessment, schools will need to consider what control measures need to be used and ensure they are aware of wider advice on visiting indoor and outdoor venues. Schools should consult the health and safety guidance on educational visits when considering visits.”

SWOAPG is not guiding you on what this will means for your clients or your businesses, but felt this was relevant to share with you as background to the developing situation regarding education’s outdoor provision.

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