Lost throw bag and belt, Dinas

Melanie Wallace of Pendarren House left her HF weasel throw bag on a belt on the bench by the changing shelters at Dinas on Friday 16 Aug. If anyone picked it up, please could they contact her through SWOAPG or Pendarren House – thanks!  

New Hazard Glasbury-Hay

Thanks to WanttoCanoe? for providing these pictures of a hazardous tree in the flow that has recently appeared at Llowes on the Glasbury-Hay stretch of the Wye (here). Take care out there, folks!  

SWOAPG is looking for enthusiastic instructors or business owners to join its steering group and help shape the future of Outdoor Activities in South Wales

SWOAPG is an active voice of your outdoor activity industry and it liaises regularly with landowners, government, NRW and the National Parks authority to help maintain access and shape policy for all our members. The group currently meets approx. 4 times a year (with video conferencing facilities) and discusses more urgent issues by email. It … Read more

Cardiff Rights of Way Improvement Plan

Cardiff Council has produced a Draft ROWIP 2020-30 for public consultation and would welcome views or comments from individuals or on behalf of groups/organisations, by e-mail to rowip@cardiff.gov.uk. Please note that whilst this document is not at final design stage, the Council is seeking views or comments about the overall content and flow of the … Read more

IOL Conference Reminder

A reminder that the IOL Conference takes place on 16 Nov at Atlantic College and SWOAPG Members are entitled to attend at a discounted rate – see our event listing at https://swoapg.com/event/institute-for-outdoor-learning-conference  

Gunpowder works workshop POSTPONED

The gunpowder works workshop that SWOAPG had arranged with BBNPA for 19 July has been postponed due to unavailability of presenters and will be rescheduled in due course. Apologies for any inconvenience to those of you who were planning to attend.