Sychryd Gorge Waterfall Jump

We have received reports of the landowner on river-left at the top-end of the Sychryd objecting to groups jumping from the lower ledge of the top waterfall (i.e. the ledge used to crawl behind the waterfall). Although he has specifically told SWOAPG that he does not wish groups to jump from his land across the … Read more

Group-led caving activity in Wales “can recommence from May 3rd”

The following advice has just been issued by the British Caving Association: “We have received confirmation from the Welsh government that led caving and mine exploration activities in Wales can recommence from May 3rd. We await definitive dates for England, but following the same criteria, May 17th looks likely. It remains essential that all [cave … Read more

Canoe launching at Glasbury – update

We have just been informed by Powys County Council that the suspension of canoe launching at Glasbury Bont is likely to continue for some considerable time (possibly months rather than weeks), since they are now required to undertake a “Habitat Regulations Assessment” before they can recommence any launching activity on the common. They have, however, … Read more