Gorges Code of Conduct Training – change of date

We have had to change our scheduled Code of Conduct training to 30 July because the village hall is booked on 1 August for the local election. Apologies for any inconvenience this might cause. Information and bookings at https://swoapg.com/event/30-jul-2019-dinas-sychryd-mellte-code-of-conduct-training/

Radon Monitors in Caves

  Radon monitors have been placed in the following caves from 2 July for approx. 4 weeks. The information gathered from these monitors will be published for all to use/see, so please could all providers brief their clients not to tamper with them please! 1 Porth-yr-Ogof (White Horse Cave) 42 Llygad Llwchwr 43 Eglwys Faen … Read more

Welsh Government plans to lead discussions on access to Inland Waters

Welsh Government plans to lead discussions on access to Inland Waters: Canoe Wales welcomes the Government’s willingness to lead discussions, but will continue to make the case that legislation to clarify public rights offers the best long-term solution – for more detail see: http://clearaccessclearwaters.wales/welsh-government-plans-to-lead-discussions-on-access-to-inland-waters

SWOAPG responds to Powys County Council’s latest proposals for canoe launching at Glasbury

Following its consultation earlier this year (to which SWOAPG responded as we have previously reported), Powys County Council has now proposed “that launch times for commercial operators [on the River Wye at Glasbury] be restricted at peak times, i.e. on weekends and bank holidays between Easter and the end of September” and “that signage or … Read more

Parking at Pencelli Canal Basin

SWOAPG has been advised that one or two providers have recently been leaving trailers and minibuses in the parking / slipway area at Pencelli Canal Basin for the duration of their visit and making access difficult for other users. Most groups using this venue already unload / re-load as quickly as possible and park their … Read more