Following its consultation earlier this year (to which SWOAPG responded as we have previously reported), Powys County Council has now proposed “that launch times for commercial operators [on the River Wye at Glasbury] be restricted at peak times, i.e. on weekends and bank holidays between Easter and the end of September” and “that signage or flags be used at appropriate locations on the river banks, so that canoeists know when they are reaching areas where there are likely to be anglers, to assist in reducing disturbance.”
SWOAPG has responded (see attached letter) that “we are pleased to see that the voluntary scheme you are now proposing will maintain the current Code of Conduct and will use signage or flags at appropriate locations on the riverbanks. However, while we support the principle of voluntarily restricting launch times [to a limited extent] for commercial operators at peak times (on weekends and bank holidays between Easter and the end of September), we are extremely concerned at your suggestion that this might be reduced as far as a 10am-12pm window.”
We await the Council’s response and will keep our Members informed and consulted as plans evolve.