Update on Residential arrangements

We have received the following clarification from Welsh Government: From 7 June (subject to the health conditions at that date) [we expect a change to Alert Level 1 when] 6 people from any household (excluding any children under the age of 11, or carers) OR members of the same extended household (and well-being household) can … Read more

School Visits in Wales Update

We have received the following update from OEAP Cymru and AHOEC: “We met with the team from WG education on 12 May (outdoor ed policy lead and the lead on schools’ guidance), and what follows are the messages coming from that meeting. Apologies for the slight delay in getting this out to you, there were … Read more

Glasbury-Hay Update: SWOAPG’s Role

The SWOAPG Steering Group has discussed the evolving situation regarding canoeing from Glasbury-Hay and has agreed that our best course of action to support our Members at the moment is to assist Powys County Council in completing its Habitat Regulation Assessment as quickly as possible. We therefore intend to gather and submit information and advice … Read more

Walking & Climbing Survey – “Your Movement Matters”

This is a walking and climbing research project designed to provide information to support the development and implementation of evidence-based diversity and inclusion strategies. It is designed to establish the baseline figures for the demographics of those who participate in varied styles and practises of walking and climbing across the UK and Ireland.  “Whether you … Read more

Sychryd Gorge Waterfall Jump

We have received reports of the landowner on river-left at the top-end of the Sychryd objecting to groups jumping from the lower ledge of the top waterfall (i.e. the ledge used to crawl behind the waterfall). Although he has specifically told SWOAPG that he does not wish groups to jump from his land across the … Read more