URGENT & IMPORTANT! Opportunity for Summer Holiday Activity in Powys – feedback needed by tomorrow (Friday 3 July)

We have been asked by Powys County Council to circulate the following message to SWOAPG Members – please reply by midday 3 July direct to Sian Barnes sian.barnes@powys.gov.uk copied to Lucy Bevan lucy.bevan@powys.gov.uk: “The Council has been offered the opportunity to bid for funding, to build a programme of summer holiday activities for vulnerable children, … Read more

Pathway to Recovery for the Outdoor Adventure Sector: Online Workshop for Outdoor Providers THIS THURSDAY 2 July

With apologies for the short notice, this would be a useful workshop for SWOAPG Members to attend and share ‘best practice’ for delivering activities during Covid-19 recovery. Pembrokeshire Outdoor Charter Group is hosting a Zoom workshop on Thursday 2 July, 10am-12pm for adventure activity sector businesses and instructors to learn about the most current guidance … Read more

New Countryside Code for Covid-19

Natural Resource Wales has produced a revised version of the Countryside Code for the duration of the coronavirus pandemic to strengthen responsible behaviour messages in Wales:  If you would like to use the Code on your website etc. you will find a host of pictures, animations and videos here.

SWOAPG has written again to the First Minister

Following the First Minister’s announcement last week that travel restrictions may be lifted on 6 July, SWOAPG has sent the attached letter asking for more certainty around this as well as clarification on whether the 2m social distancing and two-household restrictions will be relaxed anytime soon – and for reassurance that our sector will continue … Read more

Clarification of guidance for outdoor instructors working with a single household

WATO (Wales Adventure Tourism Association) has issued the following statement containing additional clarification from Welsh Government, applicable until 6 July when more changes are anticipated for adventure tourism. This clarifies that professional instructors may travel more than 5 miles to work, so might enable some of you to do more with individuals or single households … Read more

SWOAPG calls on Welsh Government for rapid re-opening of outdoor sector in Wales

Following the First Minister’s gloomy prognosis last week for re-opening the tourism sector in Wales, SWOAPG has written to him and other Ministers and Assembly Members asking for the Welsh Government to “rapidly review their strategy for the wider tourism and outdoor sector in particular in Wales, with a view to making an announcement at … Read more