Hazard on River Usk below Talybont

The suspension footbridge across the Usk downstream of the Talybont access point (upstream of Mill Falls; about 100m upstream of the NRW gauging station) has recently collapsed – after many years of looking in a sorry state – and is currently forming a river-wide strainer. It appears to be possible to portage (at low levels, … Read more

REMINDER of forthcoming SWOAPG events: Dinas climbing workshop, AGM & PyO Workshop

Please book now if you’re interested in the following events. Click on the links for more details & bookings: 20 Jan 2024 Climbing & Abseiling at Dinas Rock, a practical workshop, 9.30am-1pm, facilitated by Matt Woodfield, looking at how participating organisations can demonstrate safe practice when using the left side of the slab at Dinas … Read more

Crag collapse: Gilwern Lower-Gilwern West

Just in case any of you keen climbers use the Gilwern Lower-West area, we have received the following information and photographs from Alan Bowring of Bannau Brycheiniog National Park Authority: “I took the chance to get out to Gilwern Hill earlier and attach the results. We’re talking of the Gilwern Lower-Gilwern West area covered at: … Read more