High Quality Outdoor Learning Guide for Wales

A new outdoor learning guide launched on 21 June at Plas yBrenin Mountain Centre, Snowdonia sets out the framework for getting children and young people outside, learning in Wales’ beautiful wild places. The guide, launched by Welsh naturalist and ambassador for outdoor learning Iolo Williams, draws on the collective knowledge and experience of outdoor practitioners … Read more

Join the Discovery Trail Online survey

We have received the following from Sustrans: Sustrans is working in partnership with Torfaen CBC, Monmouthshire CBC, Blaenau Gwent CBC, Brecon Beacons National Park Authority and Canal and River Trust to identify priorities for the improvement of the “Discovery Trail”. We have created an on-line Community Mapping Tool, that allows you comment on specific locations … Read more

Bus Parking in Pontneddfechan

We have received the following message from BBNPA after they were alerted by Dyfed Powys Police: “As you can see this is fairly horrific parking a few weeks ago. Three buses were parked all day, blocking the footpath and parked over double yellows.” We have no evidence to suggest that these were in any way … Read more

Llangattock Hillside access restrictions 8-11 July

We have received the following notification from Brecon Beacons National Park Authority: “A film production company will be filming at Llangattock Hillside from the 8th – 11th July. “During this time both the Hillside carpark and the climbing area will not be accessible to groups. “I hope this temporary disruption does not cause your members … Read more

AHOEC Gold Standard Tender Opportunity

AHOEC invites applications for the admin and delivery of its Gold Standard Inspection Accreditation Scheme. Gold Standard is AHOEC’s quality scheme, developed to go beyond the standards set by the LOtC Quality Badge, AAIAC AdventureMark and AALA. Encompassing not just safety but also the quality of service and learning, the Gold Standard logo provides assurances … Read more