Welsh Government launches new Economic Resilience Fund grants

The Welsh Government has recognised that its current Covid-19 financial support measures do not do enough to support small and micro-businesses that do not qualify for other schemes, so is launching new grants through its Economic Resilience Fund for which applications will open on 17 April (although Minister for Economy, Transport and North Wales, Ken … Read more

Welsh Government clarifies advice to landowners on footpaths and access land closures

Since the Outdoor Alliance wrote to the Welsh Government on 1 April asking for clarification and reassurance about the closures of footpaths and access land due to Covid-19, the Welsh Government has now provided guidance to landowners and managers, saying: “Limited closures are targeted to prevent overcrowding in specific areas only, and widespread closures of … Read more

Results of Tourism Operators survey

Just in case any of our Members haven’t seen it, we have received this message from Brecon Beacons Tourism following the distribution of their survey last week: “Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete the tourism operators survey that Brecon Beacons Tourism sent out the end of last week.    “We have been overwhelmed … Read more

Covid-19 Business Surveys

We have received details of two surveys that Outdoor Provider businesses might like to complete, to provide feedback to Welsh Government on the impact on our sector of the Covd-19 crisis. A questionnaire aimed at lobbying Government, from Wales Tourism Associations (which we have received from Brecon Beacons Tourism). Please complete and return this questionnaire … Read more

Response from Welsh Government to WATO request for Covid-19 Support

WATO has received a response to its letter asking Welsh Government to consider supporting small businesses and the self-employed during this time of crisis. Since WATO wrote, the Government has already announced various support measures, which the Government’s response refers to – including the Development Bank of Wales Loan Scheme. SWOAPG has updated its summary … Read more

Please be aware and cautious of Covid-19 scams and fraud

A message from Dyfed Powys Police: Criminals are using the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic to scam the public – don’t become a victim. Law enforcement, government and private sector partners are working together to encourage members of the public to be more vigilant against fraud, particularly about sharing their financial and personal information, as criminals seek … Read more

Business Rate Grants in the Brecon Beacons National Park

We have received the following information from Brecon Beacons Tourism, which may be relevant to some SWOAPG Members: How Businesses Grants of £10,000 and £25,000 will be paid to qualifying businesses in each Local Authority in the Brecon Beacons National Park As part of the COVID-19 financial support scheme recently announced by UK Government, Local … Read more

Outdoor Alliance writes to Welsh Government about closures to paths and access land

Members of the Outdoor Alliance (including SWOAPG) wrote on Monday to the Welsh Government expressing our concerns about the ‘blanket’ closure of footpaths and access land in Wales during the Covid-19 crisis. The letter asks the Government to provide clearer information for the public about what areas are closed and about what they regard as … Read more