Toileting at Clun Gwyn

We have received reports from landowners at Clun Gwyn that some gorge users were toileting in their fields last year. Trespassing on private land, indecent exposure, climbing over fences / hedges or leaving human excrement in  fields (where others might come across it or livestock might ingest it) are all unacceptable and are exactly the … Read more

Do you operate in Mid Wales?

Wales Adventure Tourism Organisation (WATO) is looking to facilitate the development of an additional ‘outdoor provider group’ to cover mid-Wales, being the area between those currently covered by SWOAPG, Pembrokeshire Outdoor Charter Group and Snowdonia-Active (i.e. mainly Ceredigion and areas of Powys north of the Brecon Beacons National Park, including the Cambrian Mountains, as shown … Read more

Further advice about activities with children permitted from 27 March

Further to our earlier post about Easing of lockdown restrictions, the Welsh Government has now published some FAQs about Organised children’s outdoor activity. These appear to confirm that there is no restriction on the type of activity that may be undertaken with children (as long as it is outdoors and “held for their development and … Read more

Government update on English Schools Visits

The UK Government’s Educational Visits guidance in England has been updated by today, as summarised below: “In line with current coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions, we continue to advise against undertaking all educational visits. DfE recognises the significant benefits of educational visits for children’s educational development as well as their mental health and wellbeing and is taking … Read more

Easing of lockdown restrictions, 27 Mar

The Welsh Government has confirmed that it will be easing lockdown restrictions slightly from tomorrow (Sat 27 Mar): The ‘stay local’ rule is lifted, meaning we (and our clients) can all now travel freely within Wales (but not to / from outside of Wales, other than for essential reasons such as work). This should make … Read more

“Let’s Shape the Future: working in partnership to reconstruct a resilient future for the visitor economy in Wales”

From Welsh Government: “A new recovery plan for the tourism, hospitality and events sector has now been published. Developed in consultation with the Tourism Taskforce and informed by wide-ranging conversation with other important groups, stakeholders and businesses across the sector, the plan includes a shared partnership framework of essential themes around which interventions will be … Read more