Many thanks to those of you who’ve already paid your 2021/22 membership renewal fees – the latest list of paid-up Full Members is now on our website at Our Members – South Wales Outdoor Activity Providers Group ( If you’re not listed it may be because (a) we’re still awaiting your payment; or (b) you’ve asked us not to publish your details. We’ll be sending further payment reminders today…
We’ve now sent our first batch of Gorge ID cards to Members who’ve completed all the requirements – the latest list of registered gorge-walking providers is now on our website at Gorge Walking – South Wales Outdoor Activity Providers Group ( If you’re not listed it may be because (a) we’re still awaiting your payment; (b) you haven’t ticked all the necessary boxes on your membership form; (c) we’re still waiting for a key member of your staff to ‘complete’ one or more of the online gorge training courses; or (d) you’ve asked us not to publish your details.
NB If you’re not on our list, you’re not eligible to use the gorges under the SWOAPG Concordat with NRW after today!
We appreciate that many of you will be working your way through the new requirements to be ready for when activities (hopefully) begin in earnest later in April / May, so we will be checking and updating the lists on a weekly basis, but if you need to discuss or check your own status, please drop a line to