New earthworks at Torpantau Tunnel – update

Further to our recent post on the new earthworks at Torpantau Tunnel, we have been informed that “the boulders at Torpantau tunnel have been placed there by Brecon Beacons National Park Authority (BBNPA) to prevent access to the tunnel by motorbikes – which had become a significant problem last summer. BBNPA are aware the tunnel … Read more

New earthworks at Torpantau Tunnel

Thanks to School Camp Ltd for these photos of new earthworks at both end of Torpantau Tunnel. It’s not immediately clear what their purpose is (perhaps to stop cyclists? If anyone has inside info, please let us know!); they may have made pedestrian access slightly more difficult, but sadly no drier…

People in Wales who cannot work from home encouraged to use lateral flow self-tests

This announcement from Welsh Government might be relevant to outdoor instructors: “All those who cannot work from home are being encouraged to access lateral flow self-test kits as they are rolled out across Wales. The rapid coronavirus testing kits will be available to collect from local test sites across Wales from Friday (16 April) this … Read more

Controlled release of water from Ystradfellte reservoir 20 April 2021

We have received notification from Dwr Cymru Welsh Water that they “are planning on testing the operation of the reservoir scour valve(s) at Ystradfellte on 20/04/2021. The test involves a short opening of the bottom outlet valve(s) of the reservoir to ensure its efficient functioning.” They have added that “we do not envisage any problems … Read more

Change to river bed in Porth yr Ogof

Continuing our theme of venue updates – thanks to Richard Hill for the following message: “The deep water between the great bedding cave and the collapsed entrances I and J at Porth yr Ogof has been scoured out again and was chest deep on going through today with the Pontneddfechan gauge at 0.22m.”