REMINDER Waterfall Country Partnership Survey for Activity Providers: please complete by 17 June!

Many thanks if you’ve already completed this survey; the National Park Authority would be very grateful to have a few more responses by this Friday. Thanks! The Waterfall Country Partnership* is in the process of reviewing opportunities for securing investment within Waterfall Country in order to provide the infrastructure needed to cater for our visitors … Read more

REMINDER: funding for staff training (inc. outdoor instructor training) – Welsh Government Flexible Skills Programme

The Welsh Government’s Flexible Skills Programme offers funding for staff development to businesses of all sizes, covering (among other things) developing advanced digital skills and supporting skills gaps and upskilling in the tourism sector (including outdoor instructor training!). For details including the Expression of Interest form, visit Flexible Skills Programme | Business Wales Skills Gateway. … Read more

Waterfall Country Partnership Survey for Activity Providers: please complete by 17 June!

The Waterfall Country Partnership* is in the process of reviewing opportunities for securing investment within Waterfall Country in order to provide the infrastructure needed to cater for our visitors in the long term. In order to inform future proposals we need the views of the range of activity providers who currently undertake activities within Waterfall … Read more

Pressure on Waterfall Country Gorges

It’s getting busy in Waterfall Country! We appreciate that most of you are doing your best to have as little impact as possible – and that the sheer volume of tourists and their behaviour is the real problem (including disturbing nesting birds and incessantly building rock towers) – BUT… …we have also had reports of … Read more

Sychryd & Lower Mellte Gorges Code of Conduct Training – opportunity for face-to-face workshop

Although the response to our online Code of Conduct training courses for both the Sychryd and Mellte gorges has been very positive, we appreciate that this method might not suit everyone, particularly Providers who are new to using the gorges. We are therefore considering offering a ‘face-to-face’ workshop consisting of a (dry) walk-through of the … Read more