Although the response to our online Code of Conduct training courses for both the Sychryd and Mellte gorges has been very positive, we appreciate that this method might not suit everyone, particularly Providers who are new to using the gorges. We are therefore considering offering a ‘face-to-face’ workshop consisting of a (dry) walk-through of the Sychryd and Lower Mellte gorges to explore and understand the Code of Conduct for gorge users – which would be equivalent to the online course. Many of you will remember that this is how we used to run all these training courses before the new-fangled online versions!! We envisage this being a 2-hour workshop either morning, afternoon or evening. Please let us know if you’d be interested in any of your staff attending one of these workshops (at least the first of which would be free of charge for one or two staff of each Full SWOAPG Member) and we’ll put on one or more if there’s enough interest. If this proves popular we could also look to put on a similar workshop for the Upper Mellte, although this would be a longer duration due to the length of the gorge! Please e-mail with expressions of interest…