Glasbury-Hay information still needed from Providers!

Just a reminder…

Further to our previous messages, please could all ‘regular’ Glasbury-Hay users provide to by Fri 16 July, to assist Powys CC with their Habitat Regulation Assessment:

  1. Completed river-use questionnaires (thanks to those who’ve already submitted these) – available at this link: River Wye Glasbury Providers Survey.

  2. Any of the following that we could collate and submit to the Council:

    • Evidence that canoeing from Glasbury-Hay does not cause environmental damage, even in low water conditions. This might, for example, include photographs (ideally time- and location-stamped) showing the existence of deep water channels in the 2018 drought;
    • Evidence that Providers are able to ensure compliance by paddlers with any restrictions imposed to protect the environment. This might, for example, include documentary or video evidence of briefings or training that Providers offer to staff or clients to ensure that they understand and keep away from the sensitive areas of the river;
    • Evidence from other rivers where paddlesport and natural species co-exist without adverse impact. This might, for example, include popular paddling rivers in other countries, if any of you are aware of any environmental evidence relating to these (or can suggest where Powys CC might be able to find such evidence); and
    • Any other evidence, ideas or suggestions for how we can persuade the Council that we could collectively minimise the environmental impact of canoeing on the river (including, perhaps, suggestions for appropriate voluntary restrictions in our operations).


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