Clarification of guidance for outdoor instructors working with a single household

WATO (Wales Adventure Tourism Association) has issued the following statement containing additional clarification from Welsh Government, applicable until 6 July when more changes are anticipated for adventure tourism. This clarifies that professional instructors may travel more than 5 miles to work, so might enable some of you to do more with individuals or single households … Read more

Some areas of Black Mountains now open

Brecon Beacons National Park has re-opened the following areas in the Black Mountains and eastern National Park. Other areas of the Black Mountains, Central Beacons, Fforest Fawr and Black Mountain remain closed – see for details (including a map showing the closed areas). Now open: BB-5 Black Mountains – WestAll areas of access land … Read more

Instructors working with family groups

The Welsh Government has confirmed to us that the guidelines for exercise and meeting other households under the current ‘Red’ Covid-19 recovery phase do permit a single instructor “to work with one family group from one household at a local venue that is open” – provided that all necessary social distancing and hygiene guidelines are … Read more

Welsh Government acknowledges gaps in Covid-19 funding support for small businesses

At recent regional Tourism Forums attended by WATO representatives, Visit Wales acknowledged on behalf of the Welsh Government that they are aware of those who are falling between the gaps i.e. sole traders, those below VAT threshold, newly incorporated businesses, micro business who don’t pay PAYE, those with no business rates and freelance instructors. They … Read more

Welsh Government clarifies advice to landowners on footpaths and access land closures

Since the Outdoor Alliance wrote to the Welsh Government on 1 April asking for clarification and reassurance about the closures of footpaths and access land due to Covid-19, the Welsh Government has now provided guidance to landowners and managers, saying: “Limited closures are targeted to prevent overcrowding in specific areas only, and widespread closures of … Read more

Please be aware and cautious of Covid-19 scams and fraud

A message from Dyfed Powys Police: Criminals are using the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic to scam the public – don’t become a victim. Law enforcement, government and private sector partners are working together to encourage members of the public to be more vigilant against fraud, particularly about sharing their financial and personal information, as criminals seek … Read more

Outdoor Alliance writes to Welsh Government about closures to paths and access land

Members of the Outdoor Alliance (including SWOAPG) wrote on Monday to the Welsh Government expressing our concerns about the ‘blanket’ closure of footpaths and access land in Wales during the Covid-19 crisis. The letter asks the Government to provide clearer information for the public about what areas are closed and about what they regard as … Read more

Car Park Closures

Perhaps overtaken by the most recent announcements by the Prime Minister, but… …Natural Resources Wales has informed us that it is closing Car parks in waterfall country, these include Pont Melin Fach, Gwaun Hepste, Dinas Rock, Blaen Llia and we understand Cwm Porth is also closed.