Toileting at Clun Gwyn

We have received reports from landowners at Clun Gwyn that some gorge users were toileting in their fields last year. Trespassing on private land, indecent exposure, climbing over fences / hedges or leaving human excrement inĀ  fields (where others might come across it or livestock might ingest it) are all unacceptable and are exactly the … Read more

Clarification on how the latest Welsh Government Covid statement affects Outdoor Providers

We’re still awaiting clarification from the Welsh Government on when outdoor ‘group activity’ for adults (larger than 4 people from 2 households!) will be permitted – although we have been advised that “from 27 March (to be confirmed) the intention is to allow organised outdoor activities to support the development and wellbeing of children” – … Read more

Central Brecon Beacons now open!

Just in case you hadn’t seen this message (we hadn’t until we were told about it in a meeting this morning!), Brecon Beacons National Park Authority made the following announced on Friday. Hopefully this might now allow at least a few outdoor providers / staff to start getting back into the hills for re-familiarisation, personal … Read more

Outdoor Alliance Wales launches Manifesto for Sustainable Outdoor Recreation and Learning

The Outdoor Alliance Wales (of which SWOAPG is a Member) has today launched a manifesto calling on Governments to promote the Delivery of sustainable outdoor recreation and learning for a resilient and healthy Wales. Senedd Members and MPs have been sent copies of both the English and Welsh versions of the manifesto, which are available … Read more

Hazard to paddlers on Upper Usk and Yscir: fish traps in operation during April & May

Natural Resources Wales has advised us that they will be operating fish traps on the Upper Usk (at Abercamlais on the Sennybridge-Aberbran section) and on the Yscir during the period April-May 2021. Although we anticipate few paddlers using the rivers during this period, anyone contemplating a trip on either river section needs to be aware … Read more