Hazard on Wye below Kerne Bridge

Just in case any of you are running trips on the lower Wye, we’ve received the following from the Environment Agency: “Please be advised of the attached fallen tree hazard which is creating a dangerous ‘strainer’. This is an obstruction which is particularly dangerous at the river heights being experienced in the current low flows and … Read more

Parking at Dinas Rock

We appreciate that it’s busy out there, please could all providers using Dinas Rock car park make an extra special effort in compliance with Code of Conduct arrangements to: not park in the disabled spaces; and display ID cards in your vehicles when using the gorges (including instructors’ private vehicles if you’re not using centre … Read more

Powys Physical Activity Survey

SWOAPG Members and subscribers resident in Powys might like to complete the County Council’s online survey ‘It’s Your Move’, to explore what you think about physical activity; what helps you to be physically active, and what holds you back. All completed surveys are eligible to enter a free prize draw to win a high street … Read more

River Wye – hot dry weather, navigation in low levels and flows

We have received the following advice sent to canoeing operators from the Environment Agency (which is responsible for navigational aspects of the River Wye downstream of Hay, although “NRW will follow the same approach for the Glasbury to Hay section”): “Dear All, “You will all be even more conscious than we are of the current … Read more

Loose stones on Loonies’ Leap

We’ve received the following report and photos from Call of the Wild – thanks, guys! “Please find attached photos of the corner stone on the top of the jump at Loonies. Theses are getting quite loose now and care needs to be taken when jumping off.”