The South Wales Outdoor Activity Providers Group has now released additional membership categories for Associate Members (£25 annual fee for corporate and individual Outdoor Activity Providers who wish to support our work and receive most of our membership benefits, but not sign-up to the NRW Concordat for the Sychryd & Mellte gorges).
Other categories available now:
- Full Members (£75 annual fee for corporate and individual Outdoor Activity Providers who wish to fully support our work and receive all membership benefits, including sign-up to the NRW Concordat for the Sychryd & Mellte gorges)
- Youth Members (free of charge for freelancers etc. under 18)
- Supporters (free of charge for organisations and individuals who support our aims and objectives, but are not Outdoor Activity Providers)
Register now via the appropriate links here!
Coming soon: Subscriber category (free of charge listing for e-mail alerts only)
NB current SWOAPG Members who do not sign-up to one of our new membership categories will be removed from our mailing list after 31 May