Update on AALA Review
From the HSE / AALA website:
“HSE would like to thank everyone who responded to the recent Discussion Document on the future of the Adventure Activities Licensing framework. We are delighted with the response and encouraged by the amount of engagement on this subject. We received hundreds of detailed comments, which are now being analysed. Once complete we will report the findings to the HSE Board for consideration at their meeting on 20 June.
In the meantime, the AALA team thank you for your patience and remind stakeholders that regardless of the outcome, there will be no immediate changes to the licensing scheme. There is still much to be considered, and it will take time for any changes to come into effect.
Licence holders should continue to engage with AALS and ensure they have a valid licence for activities in scope of the regulations. You will be notified well in advance of any changes and if necessary any transition arrangements to ensure that things continue to run smoothly.“
Adventure Smart Wales, a Welsh Government funded partnership project developed by the many organisations across Wales who want people to enjoy the great Welsh outdoors safely (including SWOAPG). The Adventure Smart Wales Website has launched today – check it out here www.adventuresmartwales.com
Mountain Bikes for Sale
From University of Wales Trinity Saint David:
“We have just bought some new bikes to go with our new skills track. So we are going to sell our old bikes. We have a fleet of 14 Scott Scale 50 mountain bikes for sale, along with two Burtech 14 berth bike trailers. There are also two bikes that we have cannibalised for spares and then some bits and bobs, inner tubes, brake pads, spokes and 5 new sets of spare forks. There are also 20 helmets – about two years old and used less than a dozen times. The bikes have not been used a lot and have been well maintained by a Velotech mechanic. The trailers haven’t been used much either and have always been stored inside and come ready to use with electrics, spare wheels and locks.
I can offer the lot for £4,250 (2x trailers, 14 x bikes and then all the bits n bobs including the spare forks and two frames and helmets).
Depending on what the other interested parties decide, I could work out a price to split the package.”
Contact Graham Harvey G.Harvey@uwtsd.ac.uk, 01267 225122