We really hope that all Glasbury-Hay operators will be able to join us for next Monday evening’s online meeting (details below). We really need all your inputs to ensure that we’re truly representing the views of our Members who use the river. Please let us know if you plan to attend (if you haven’t already) via the RSVP button on the online Event Listing or via mail@swoapg.com. We will send the Teams link nearer the time to those Members who respond.
Further to our recent ‘advance warning’, SWOAPG intends to hold an (online) Extraordinary General Meeting of its Members on Monday 23 August 2021 at 7-8pm to discuss SWOAPG’s role with Glasbury-Hay canoeing access. Before we proceed much further in discussions with Powys County Council, Hay Town Council and other groups dealing with this issue, we need to know whether this is something that our Members want us to be involved with!
Key questions will be:
- Should SWOAPG be actively involved in trying to secure sustainable canoeing access from Glasbury-Hay? Or play a role more as ‘observers’ while letting others attempt to sort things out between them?
- Would Members wish SWOAPG to pursue a Concordat-type arrangement for launching at Glasbury Bont (if Powys will fund its setup)?
- Should SWOAPG continue to engage with Hay Town Council?
- How should SWOAPG engage with other groups such as the proposed “Wye Alliance”?
- Are Members prepared for SWOAPG to commit resources to this engagement? And/or are any Members willing to join a volunteer Working Group to take action forward?