SWOAPG Members met ‘online’ on Mon 23 August to consider the Group’s future role with Glasbury-Hay canoeing access. The meeting concluded that:
- the proposed new “Wye Alliance” might in future be well placed to take the lead in trying to secure sustainable canoeing access from Glasbury-Hay, with SWOAPG representing the broad views of our Members within this group. However, this would depend on how the Alliance evolves and what role SWOAPG might have within it, so SWOAPG should be prepared if necessary to be actively involved as a stand-alone group – including the consideration of a Concordat-type arrangement between our Members and/or with Powys County Council;
- SWOAPG should continue to engage with Hay Town Council as required, if only to keep abreast of developments at ‘The Gliss’ (the public launch point in Hay) and communicate with our membership – but could leave local operators to liaise directly with them around the car park improvements; and
- that it would be helpful to establish a ‘working group’ that could take forward SWOAPG’s interests as things continue to evolve; assisting and advising the Coordinator and Directors with decisions and taking specific actions as required (although there may be little to do in the immediate future). As a starting point, all the meeting attendees would be invited and other SWOAPG Members given the opportunity to join.
The full notes of the meeting are attached below.
210823 Notes from Members Meeting to discuss SWOAPG’s role with Glasbury-Hay Canoeing Access
If you would like to join SWOAPG’s ‘River Wye Working Group’, please send your expression of interest to: coordinator@swoapg.com.