Canoe Launching at Hay-on-Wye public access point (“The Gliss”)

SWOAPG has received the following message from Hay Town Council. Providers launching at “The Gliss” (the public launch site river-right below Hay bridge) should particularly note their comments that “canoes are only to be launched and recovered at the designated launch site and not anywhere else on the area” and “any company found still not … Read more

Footpath from Loonies’ Leap

Latest news from Brecon Beacons National Park re the landslide on the footpath river-right from Loonies’ Leap – not very encouraging, unfortunately: “We have engineers engaged and they will be coming up with a mitigation plan. It really depends on what they advise and how quickly we can get all the relevant permissions etc. Sorry … Read more

Welsh Government update on residential visits etc.

Further to Wednesday’s announcement that school residentials would be permitted in Wales from Sat 17 July, here are some further details c/o AHOEC and OEAP: “Please find below a quick summary of the AHOEC/OEAP meeting with the WG education team from yesterday. “The current situation (allowing primary school visits) has been positively received with the … Read more

Gorge ID Cards Reminder

We were in the Sychryd gorge at the weekend and were surprised to see several groups whose leaders were NOT displaying their ID cards visibly while in the gorge. Please remember that it is one of the requirements placed on us by NRW and BBNPA for providers operating under the SWOAPG Concordat  that ID cards … Read more