Some of you may be aware of an incident in the Mellte gorge on Sat 6 Aug when a member of the public fell from the cliff on river-left above Clun Gwyn Isaf. Several Providers and their clients witnessed the incident and managed the scene and casualty until the emergency services arrived to perform an evacuation. The actions of all Providers on scene was exemplary and demonstrated how we can work together to manage incidents like this when the moment arises: thanks are due to all those who helped (you know who you are!).
However, this incident is at least in part a reflection of the increase in the number (and type) of visitors in the area and with the next batch of hot weather approaching we can only expect numbers to increase, so we’d ask all Providers to please:
- be extra vigilant in the gorge during this busy period (or even consider avoiding it altogether): be prepared to advise members of the public if you see them doing things that you consider unsafe; look out for (and collect if possible) dangerous ‘foreign objects’ (broken glass, discarded BBQs, etc.) that could harm your group or members of the public; and be prepared to assist if the worst happens and other incidents occur;
- encourage any staff or clients who witness traumatic incidents to talk about their feelings and to seek professional support or counselling where appropriate; and
- be aware that NRW are installing barrier fences and signage on paths leading to the precipice river-left above Clun Gwyn Isaf – see report and photos below.
Be careful out there!!!
Report from NRW on barrier fences and path closures:
“Please find attached some images of the two footpath closure barrier fences and signage that were installed at either end of the precipice path and of the section of squashed barrier fence which was installed at the access point to an additional path that allows access to the precipice path.
“For reference, as agreed by all on site yesterday this is what has been installed:
“One of the barrier fences has been installed in close proximity to the “path return” sign that is in place just to the south of upper Sgwd Clun Gwyn.
“The other sign has been installed at the pinch point of the footpath adjacent to lower Sgwd Clun Gwyn, just before the beginning of the precipice path if you were to be heading north. There is some additional orange barrier fence and metal pins a little lower down the bank from the barrier fence in order to give a greater visual appearance of the foot path closure.
“There was additionally some orange barrier fence and metal pins installed at the access point to another desire path located just below the “path return” sign, this path needs to be blocked as it too leads back up to the precipice path at a junction a little further South of the initial barrier fence.
“On returning to site after lunch, we noticed that the orange barrier fence that had been put up earlier at the start of the other desire path had already been squashed down and that there was evidence that people had pushed past. An additional wooden barrier fence may be installed at this location [today] in order to replace the orange barrier fence.”