Institute for Outdoor Learning (Wales) Conference

Fostering a connection to the Environment

Cynhadledd Sefydliad Dysgu yn yr Awyr Agored (Cymru)

Institute for Outdoor Learning (Wales) Conference

Siaradwr / Speaker: Iolo Williams

(naturalist, TV presenter, conservationist and writer)

Dyddiad / Date: October 7th 2017
Lleoliad / Venue: Bangor University School of Education, Bangor
SDAA Cymru / IOl Wales would like to invite you to their one-day conference.

09.30 Arrival. Tea and coffee

10.00 Welcome

10.30 Iolo Williams

11.30 Tea / coffee

11.45 Question and answer session with Iolo Williams

12.15 The Welsh Outdoor Charter Groups

13.00 Lunch

14.00 Presentation by Bangor University students

14.30 Workshops

15.30 Tea / coffee

15.45 Workshops

16.45 Plenary session

17.00 End of daytime events

There will be a reshowing of the Best of Llanberis Adventure and Mountain Film Festival (LLAMFF) in the evening. Confirmed workshops include:
Using Myths and Legends Angharad Harris (Parc Genedlaethol Eryri / Snowdonia National Park)

Floods and Connection Sue Williams (Natural Resources Wales / Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru)

Birds as a means of connecting (RSPB)

Beyond the Bubble Wrap Caroline Carr (Outdoor Learning Consultancy)

Using the OEAP Environmental Outdoor Learning Cards Lun Roberts (ER Outdoors)

Helping people with disabilities get out into nature Beth Davies ( Partneriaeth Awyr Agored / Outdoor Partnership)

Connecting safely (Adventure Industries Mutual) Bush craft connection David Philips (Coastal Wanderer)

Women and Girls Outdoors Lun Roberts (SDAA Cymru / IOL Wales)

(Other workshops are under discussion and will be advertised on the SDAA Cymru / IOL Wales website as and when confirmed). Some workshops will be offered in Welsh, some bilingually and some in English. Simultaneous translation will be available throughout the conference. Tea / coffee and buffet lunch provided. While consuming refreshments you will have time to browse displays in the exhibition room.
Pris / Price: £69 aelodau / members £129 nad ydynt yn aelodau / non-members (please see note on special offer below)
Special offer: We are offering a limited number of concessionary rate tickets to members of the Welsh Outdoor Charter Groups (including (SWOAPG). These tickets will be the same price as those offered to IOL members. To book one of these tickets please email quoting the code Cymru17IOL.
Institute for Outdoor Learning

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