Cynhadledd Sefydliad Dysgu yn yr Awyr Agored (Cymru)
Institute for Outdoor Learning (Wales) Conference
(naturalist, TV presenter, conservationist and writer)
09.30 Arrival. Tea and coffee
10.00 Welcome
10.30 Iolo Williams
11.30 Tea / coffee
11.45 Question and answer session with Iolo Williams
12.15 The Welsh Outdoor Charter Groups
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Presentation by Bangor University students
14.30 Workshops
15.30 Tea / coffee
15.45 Workshops
16.45 Plenary session
17.00 End of daytime events
Floods and Connection Sue Williams (Natural Resources Wales / Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru)
Birds as a means of connecting (RSPB)
Beyond the Bubble Wrap Caroline Carr (Outdoor Learning Consultancy)
Using the OEAP Environmental Outdoor Learning Cards Lun Roberts (ER Outdoors)
Helping people with disabilities get out into nature Beth Davies ( Partneriaeth Awyr Agored / Outdoor Partnership)
Connecting safely (Adventure Industries Mutual) Bush craft connection David Philips (Coastal Wanderer)
Women and Girls Outdoors Lun Roberts (SDAA Cymru / IOL Wales)