This year SWOAPG is making a small change to our arrangements for gorge-walking access in Waterfall Country. Instead of asking Providers to confirm that they have completed SWOAPG Code of Conduct Training, no matter how long ago, we are asking that, from 1 April 2021, ALL gorge-walking PROVIDERS and LEADERS leaders must have reviewed our Code of Conduct training resources before you use the gorge(s).
This Code of Conduct training is now available online via three ‘courses’ for you to complete in your own time:
- The Introduction to the Codes of Conduct for Gorge-Walking in Waterfall Country must be completed first, by all gorge users;
- then, the separate courses on Using the Sychryd & Lower Mellte Gorges and Using the Upper Mellte Gorge must be completed by anyone using those individual gorges.
To access this training:
- Go to Courses – South Wales Outdoor Activity Providers Group (
- Click on the course that you wish to complete (start with the ‘Introduction…’ one).
- You’ll be asked to sign-in – click ‘Create a new account’ and fill in the form – for your username, pick something meaningful (e.g. your name!) – then press the ‘Register’ button. This should take you to the course page.
- ‘Enrol’ on the course (you might need to scroll-up to find the ‘enrol’ button).
- Work your way through all the ‘lessons’ and the final ‘quiz’, making sure you undertake all the actions and mark each lesson ‘complete’.
If you have any trouble accessing this training, contact for assistance!