Please share with SWOAPG…

…any ideas for training / networking workshops / events that you’d like to see us run over the autumn / winter – NB these should be about ‘adding value’ to your role and knowledge as instructors and providers, rather than NGB-type training (we’re currently looking at ideas for a half-day workshop on ‘environmental good practice … Read more

Freelance Instructors Survey Results

We’d like to thank everyone (both freelancers and employers)  who completed SWOAPG’s survey in June about additional services that we were considering offering. We had enough responses to demonstrate some demand for a ‘freelance instructors database’ BUT the SWOAPG Steering Group doesn’t feel at the moment that we can justify the resources needed to make … Read more

Safety Alert: Gas canister / stove explosion

AdventureRMS has issued the following alert which expedition / camping providers might wish to take note of: We have received a report of an incident involving the explosion of a gas canister being used during a Duke of Edinburgh Award assessment expedition. Witnesses saw a fire engulfing the canister, which then exploded as people were … Read more

Campaign for fair funding for the path network

We have received this request for support from Ramblers: “You may have seen over the summer we’ve been stepping up our calls for better funding for path maintenance and improvements. We launched at the Royal Welsh and got some great BBC coverage: (the comments on the article are also worth a read!) “We’d really … Read more