Adventure Smart UK website now live

Since 2017 SWOAPG has been working with a partnership of 30+ organisations to develop a safety campaign to encourage people to be 'AdventureSmart' while enjoying the wonderful coast and countryside of Wales. The success of AdventureSmartWales has attracted attention across the border leading to the launch last week of AdventureSmart.UK.

At a reception on the 15th May at the Pierhead Building, Cardiff Bay, Deputy Minister for Culture, Sport and Tourism, Lord Elis-Thomas celebrated the rollout of the AdventureSmart initiative which began in Wales with the support of funding from Welsh Government. Lake District Cumbria is the first English region to join Wales in this innovative approach to communicating safety to the many people who explore the region each year. Discussions are now ongoing with other regions across the UK.

Building on the established AdventureSmartWales branding, a strong, eye-catching UK brand has been developed: The aim is to reduce the number of avoidable incidents which the rescue and emergency services deal with each year through the development and promotion of a comprehensive set of safety messages.

Whatever their activity, provides practical information such as what gear to wear, the weather forecast and tides/sunset times. Take a look at the toolkit for tourism businesses to help spread the word and get your customers out enjoying great Welsh adventures!

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