Why do I get the same message several times from SWOAPG?

Just in case any of you are wondering why you receive the same message(s) several times from SWOAPG, here’s a brief explanation of how our e-mailing system works:

  • We post messages on our website blog as they occur.
  • If messages are important / urgent enough for wide circulation (to all our paid-up Members and ‘free’ to Supporters and Subscribers), we send them out automatically the following morning as a ‘Daily Alert’.
  • If messages don’t need urgent, wide circulation; but we still think our paid-up Members need them quickly (as is the case with many of the current Covid-19 related messages); we send them out immediately as an individual e-mail.
  • Every Sunday evening, we send to paid-up Members a ‘digest’ of all the week’s messages – which will include any ‘Alerts’ or individual messages that we’ve already sent out.
  • Most of our messages are also posted automatically, within 24 hours, on the South Wales Outdoor Instructors Facebook Page, for which which you may receive separate notifications.

We believe that this ‘belt-and-braces’ approach is the best way to make sure that everyone sees messages at the right time – and because a lot of it is automated, it minimises the workload for our Coordinator. However, we appreciate that it might irritate some of you to receive messages more than once, so please feel free to contact us is you’d like to suggest a better way!

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