SWOAPG has received the following request, which our Members may wish to assist with:
“Research project: Lyme Disease and outdoor workers. Could you help complete a survey?
“Do you do paid or voluntary work outdoors in parks, woodlands, cemeteries, gardens, farmland, countryside or other similar locations in Wales?
“If the answer is yes, I would like your help.
“I am studying for an MSc Environmental Health degree and I am doing my research on the knowledge and risk perception of Lyme Disease among outdoor workers in Wales.
“As cases of Lyme Disease are on the rise in the UK, your participation in this study will be helping us to gain a better understanding of the level of knowledge about this disease and the barriers to prevention among outdoor workers. You may also be helping to influence measures that could be put in place to help reduce the number of future cases of Lyme Disease.
“I am asking for your participation in a survey that should take 10 – 15 minutes to complete. No personal information will be collected and all the information you provide will be anonymous.
“To take the survey, please click on the link below.
“The link will take you to a participant information sheet which gives you more information about the study and how your answers will be used. Please click on the button at the bottom of this page to go to the consent form and to begin the survey.
“Thank you in advance for your participation.”
Jennifer Goddard