The 2023 SWOAPG Annual General Meeting will be held on Tue 5 Dec, 6.30-8pm, online via Teams. All SWOAPG Members are invited to attend! The agenda will include the usual ‘formalities’ and discussion / decisions around Glasbury-Hay Concordat Arrangements and future Membership Fees, but please do let us know if you have any other suggestions for agenda items. Please RSVP via the button on the event listing or by e-mail, so we have some idea who’s coming!
As usual, we have vacancies for Steering Group Members and Directors, so please let us know ASAP if you’d like to find out more or nominate yourself or anyone else to these positions!
Draft Agenda:
- Welcome & Apologies
- Matters Arising from 2022 AGM (minutes to follow in due course)
- Overview of recent and planned activity
- Annual Report & Accounts (to be published in due course)
- Election of Steering Group, Directors and Chair
- River Wye Glasbury-Hay – discussion / decision on whether to progress with Powys Concordat
- 2024 Membership Fees – discussion / decision on whether to introduce new fee structure
- Q&A Session