Further to our recent message (included below), we’ve today received further information from Welsh Government that there is no change to the previous guidance for school residentials, so it appears that the limit of 30 indoors does not therefore apply to these. [WG have said “whilst the guidance for schools was updated last Friday – https://gov.wales/local-covid-19-infection-control-decision-framework-schools-html – there have been no changes to the section on educational visits”]. We’ll update you as and when we find out more – although we recommend that if you are in any doubt you should check the full rules for yourselves…
We’ve been asked by some of our Members for advice on whether the new ‘rule of six’ applies to outdoor activity residentials. This is what we understand so far:
Welsh Government has confirmed to us that outdoor residential centres may accommodate up to 30 indoors, with additional guidance here: https://gov.wales/tourism-businesses-such-accommodation-and-visitor-attractions-potential-reasonable-measures-1.
HOWEVER, accommodation businesses and attractions with a hospitality offering (i.e. a licensed or non-licensed hospitality setting – e.g. restaurant or café – within a venue) should also consider the following guidance – which is where the ‘rule of six’ comes in: https://gov.wales/hospitality-venues-potential-reasonable-measures-action-card-alert-level-2-html. This does still seem to leave some scope for interpretation when groups are staying in residential accommodation and also eating or drinking there…
BUT there is some clarity regarding school groups and the like, since under Schedule 2 (Alert Level 2 Restrictions), Part 1 “accessing or receiving educational services” are specifically listed as an example of being a reasonable excuse to gather – as are the circumstances of “participating in or facilitating a regulated gathering for the development or well-being of children (including sports, music and other recreational activities such as those provided for children outside of school hours and during school holidays)”.
We’ll let you know if we hear anything more (and please let us know if you already know more than we do)!