Re: Canoeing Access from Glasbury to Hay-on-Wye – Landowner Proposes Navigation Charge!

To all Members: Canoe Wales has just confirmed ( that “CW members have access to legal expenses cover to…defend any civil action relating to material property, owned by a third party or for which a third party is responsible, arising out of an alleged or actual negligent act or omission or any nuisance, trespass or … Read more

Canoeing Access from Glasbury to Hay-on-Wye – Landowner Proposes Navigation Charge!

To all Members: Some of you will already be aware of the proposals made yesterday by Geoff Maynard to charge for passage of canoes through his property on the Wye between Glasbury and Hay. Canoe Wales has made the following statement and (since our Coordinator and the Canoe Wales Waterways & Environment Officer are one-and-the-same … Read more

Future Alerts from SWOAPG

To all members, observers & associates: Please note that, in future, Alerts from SWOAPG will no longer appear on our website, but will continue to to be sent by e-mail to all Members and will continue to be posted (automaticallly, and normally within 24 hours) on We are introducing this change to simplify … Read more

ALERT: Navigation Hazard Glasbury to Hay

This message has been posted on Facebook by the owner of Llanthomas Fishery (downstream of the Hollybush Inn), Geoff Maynard: “All Canoe Operators and paddlers: Please be very aware if paddling Glasbury to Hay – the recent floods have exposed fresh very large concrete rubble with steel reinforcing rods sticking out – these are akin … Read more