We hope that as many Gorge Users as possible will be able to attend this Zoom workshop next Wednesday evening: please RSVP (using the button on the website event listing; or by e-mail) to register your interest.
Now that Providers have re-commenced using the gorges in Waterfall Country, SWOAPG wishes to take the opportunity to review and share experiences and ‘good practice’ around the precautions that Providers are taking to prevent the transmission of Covid-19 in gorge-walking and canyoning activities.
This 2-hour, interactive Zoom workshop will enable Providers to share:
- the latest updates on gorge access;
- our understanding of the key requirements for preventing transmission – including Welsh Government regulations; the “We’re Good to Go” scheme; and WATO guidelines for Safe Delivery of Gorge Walking and Canyoning post COVID -19;
- specific concerns about what these mean in the gorge environment; and
- suggestions for ‘good practice’ in managing clients and equipment; using the car parks, toilets and changing areas; and maintaining social distancing in the gorges.
We will probably focus first on the Sychryd gorge, since this is used more frequently by most Providers, but will also consider the Upper Mellte if we have time.
Members who have registered their interest will receive the Zoom link in due course – please contact us if you have not received this before the event.