SWOAPG wants you to contact us whenever you need to!
However, our Coordinator only works part-time for around 4 hours a week (although he has been donating a lot of extra time during the Covid crisis!) – and every enquiry he deals with costs approx. 10% of one annual Membership fee.
So if you do have a question for us, please:
- Check whether our website already provides the answer!
- Use our self-service Membership System to keep your records up-to-date and pay your membership fees
- Book places on our events using the ‘RSVP’ or ‘Buy Tickets’ buttons on the individual Event Listing
- Don’t expect a response to ‘routine’ enquiries more sooner than 7 days and ‘urgent’ matters no sooner than 2 working days (although it will often be quicker!)
Thanks for your continued patience and support!