With some Providers and Instructors having re-commenced activities since lockdown – and others still planning how best to do so – SWOAPG is keen to provide opportunities for you to share your experiences and help to develop and promote ‘good practice’ for operating in the new and unfamiliar environment of social distancing etc. We are therefore organising a series of workshops for this purpose.
This first workshop will be a free, online Zoom session, open to ALL Outdoor Activity Providers and Instructors in South Wales, in which we will:
- Summarise our understanding of the key requirements from Welsh Government etc. for preventing Covid-19 transmission – and share some of the ‘good practice’ ideas that emerged in our recent workshop looking a gorge-walking in the Covid-19 environment;
- Ask you to share ‘generic’ experiences, lessons and ‘good practice’ that apply across the whole range of outdoor activities (e.g. managing staff, managing clients, handling & cleaning equipment, working in busy venues, etc.); and
- Break-out into some short activity-specific discussions to identify key issues that we intend to address in later practical workshops covering e.g. caving, climbing / mountain activities, gorge-walking and paddlesports.
Please RSVP (using the button on the website event listing; or by e-mail) to register your interest (you will then receive the Zoom link in due course – please contact us if you have not received this before the event).
Watch this space for follow-on practical workshops, coming soon…!