SWOAPG Members wishing to use the Dinas / Sychryd and Upper Mellte gorges this year will, as usual, need to ‘sign-up’ to confirm their agreement to operate gorge-walking in accordance with the terms of the NRW Memorandum of Understanding / Access Concordat and Codes of Conduct. The sign-up form is now available at the following link (you’ll need to login first, using your Provider account) – but only for Full Members who have already paid their 2024/25 membership fees!
Gorges Signup – South Wales Outdoor Activity Providers Group
ID cards will be sent out in due course but not in time for 1 April, so in the meantime please keep using last year’s cards (sorry, we’ve been a bit busy with other things). As usual, please contact us if this process throws up and problems or concerns…