27 Oct 2019 Relocation Skills

Suitable for aspirant mountain leaders/instructors + those looking for a skills boost Okay... so you think you're lost! Although knowing how to remedy the situation is largely judgemental (and I cannot teach judgement!), what I can do is illustrate how various combinations of techniques work, and show you some classic adaptations. Based on a particularly ... Read more

26-27 Oct 2019 Mountain & Moorland Navigation – Stage 2

Suitable for aspirant mountain leaders/instructors + those looking for a skills boost. You do not need to know where you are all the time, especially if you can combine and adapt basic navigation skills. On this course I show you some classic combinations, and give you the confidence to roam across wild countryside. In effect, ... Read more

2-3 Nov 2019 Rescue Emergency Care First Aid Course

Cardiff International White Water Watkiss Way, Cardiff, United Kingdom

This is a 2-day (16-hour) qualification related to Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation and all the essentials for anyone working or spending time outdoors. Price £130 per person.

5 Nov 2019 Contour Recognition

Suitable for aspirant mountain leaders/instructors + those looking for a skills boost Having the ability to “see” the landscape by relating the contour patterns to the shape of the ground (and vice versa) is an essential part of successful navigation in mountain and moorland environments. On this hill based one-day course, I explain the concept ... Read more

5-6 Nov 2019 Mountain & Moorland Navigation – Stage 2

Suitable for aspirant mountain leaders/instructors + those looking for a skills boost. You do not need to know where you are all the time, especially if you can combine and adapt basic navigation skills. On this course I show you some classic combinations, and give you the confidence to roam across wild countryside. In effect, ... Read more

6 Nov 2019 Relocation Skills

Suitable for aspirant mountain leaders/instructors + those looking for a skills boost Okay... so you think you're lost! Although knowing how to remedy the situation is largely judgemental (and I cannot teach judgement!), what I can do is illustrate how various combinations of techniques work, and show you some classic adaptations. Based on a particularly ... Read more

6 Nov 2019 Dinas/Sychryd & Mellte Code of Conduct Training

Dinas Rock Car Park Coed-Y-Rhaidyr, Pontneddfechan, United Kingdom

This is a Code of Conduct Training session for Providers who are signed-up to the NRW Waterfalls Country Concordat. It is a requirement that a staff representative from each Provider has attended a Code of Conduct Training session if they wish to use of the area for Gorge Walking. This session will cover both the ... Read more

Free – £25.00

9 Nov 2019 Map Interpretation Course

Suitable for aspirant mountain leaders/instructors + those looking for a skills boost Far more than simple map reading, map interpretation allows you to get an amazingly detailed picture of the ground using simple yet effective techniques. Once learned, you will never look at a map in the same way again! On this valley based one-day ... Read more

9-10 Nov 2019 Mountain & Moorland Navigation – Stage 1

Suitable for aspirant mountain leaders/instructors + those looking for a skills boost. Despite what you might think, navigation is simple! All it requires is an understanding of a few basic, straightforward skills which can be used anywhere and in any conditions. On this course, I will teach you those skills! Combining my Map Interpretation & ... Read more

10 Nov 2019 Micro-Navigation/Poor Visibility Techniques

Suitable for aspirant mountain leaders/instructors + those looking for a skills boost Mountain weather can change at an alarming speed, especially in the British hills, and once the mist is down even the easiest ground can become confusing and difficult. On this moorland based one-day course, I teach a range of simple yet effective techniques ... Read more

16 Nov 2019 Institute for Outdoor Learning Conference

Atlantic College Llantwit Major, United Kingdom

The theme of the conference is ‘Discovery’ and the speakers are Rob Penn (TV presenter and author) and Crag Jones (mountaineer, climber, and first Welshman to summit Everest).  £30 for both individual and organisational members of IOL (including SWOAPG Members).  IOL members (including Corporate SWOAPG Members) can buy up to 4 tickets at this price ... Read more

16-17 Nov 2019 Rescue Emergency Care First Aid Course

Cardiff International White Water Watkiss Way, Cardiff, United Kingdom

This is a 2-day (16-hour) qualification related to Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation and all the essentials for anyone working or spending time outdoors. Price £130 per person.