18 Jun 2019 Introduction to Outdoor Learning Coaching


SWOAPG Members are able to book places on a series of IOL workshops on using Coaching in Outdoor Learning - see IOL Outdoor Learning Coaching for full details - and book online at https://www.outdoor-learning.org/Good-Practice/Develop-as-a-Professional/Specialist-Competencies/Coaching

26 Jun 2019 Fostering a Connection – Taster session

Outward Bound Aberdyfi, United Arab Emirates

The ‘Fostering a Connection’ course was designed by Lun Roberts (ER Outdoors), Jim Langley (Nature's Work) and Joe Roberts (Natural Resources Wales) to meet the needs of outdoor providers wishing to engage their clients with the environment and to foster their connection to it.  The full course takes a day, costs £50 (£30 concessions) and includes ... Read more