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19 Nov 2019 Map Interpretation Course

Suitable for aspirant mountain leaders/instructors + those looking for a skills boost Far more than simple map reading, map interpretation allows you to get an amazingly detailed picture of the ground using simple yet effective techniques. Once learned, you will never look at a map in the same way again! On this valley based one-day ... Read more

19-20 Nov 2019 Mountain & Moorland Navigation – Stage 1

Suitable for aspirant mountain leaders/instructors + those looking for a skills boost. Despite what you might think, navigation is simple! All it requires is an understanding of a few basic, straightforward skills which can be used anywhere and in any conditions. On this course, I will teach you those skills! Combining my Map Interpretation & ... Read more

19 Nov 2019 Core Coach Supervision


SWOAPG Members are able to book places on a series of IOL workshops on using Coaching in Outdoor Learning - see IOL Outdoor Learning Coaching for full details - and book online at