Guidance for Primary School Residentials

We have received the following update from AHOEC/OEAP Cymru:

“Please find below the link to the WG guidance for schools, now updated to include the residential outdoor education visits for primary school children piece we wrote to you about on Friday. There is no maximum bubble size specified as the guidance puts the onus on individual providers to work with their school clients and advisers to plan a safe trip in line with the guidance set out in this document. 

“As this has required a change in the law on accommodation, this also gives the green light for visits from schools outside Wales too, but they will be subject to any guidance of their local/operating authority – but the law in Wales now allows this, as the guidance from WG cannot be in contravention of its own law. The guidance on educational visits is right at the bottom after school transport but doesn’t have a bookmark to get to easily, so choose school transport form the menu on the left and then scroll down a page or so for the heading Educational visits.

“AHOEC/OEAP Cymru have a further meeting with WG education team on Wednesday, so if there are any questions or specifics, please let us know and we can bring these to that meeting.”

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